Cerita Memulai Diet GM

Hallo sodara, saat ini saya ingin share cerita saya ikut program diet GM. Program ini konon merupakan program karyawan dari perusahaan General Motor untuk mengatur pola makan dan mengurangi berat badan.

Program ini berjalan selama 7 hari dan mampu menurukan sekitar 5-9 kg. Waahh...untuk makanan juga sudah diatur, sehingga kita tinggal ikut saja aturan yang ada.  Berikut ini saya copas dari website http://gmdietnow.com/.'

Day 1 You can eat any fruit but bananas. There is no limit on quantity; eat as much fruit as you want. It is recommended that you eat a lot of melons on the first day. In fact, if you limit your fruit consumption to melons, it will get your weight loss off to a great start.
Day 2 Fruits are replaced with vegetables on the second day. You can eat them either cooked or raw and there is restriction on the types or amount you can eat. You can even have a baked potato for breakfast on this day, with a pat of butter if you like. This will provide the body with the complex carbohydrates that will provide energy for the rest of the day. Vegetables provide plenty of essential nutrients and fiber and are virtually calorie-free.
Day 3 Except for bananas and potatoes, you can eat a mixture of fruit and vegetables on this day—as much variety as you like, in whatever quantities you choose. Potatoes are no longer needed, as carbohydrates will come from the fruit. By this stage the body is prepared to start burning excess pounds.
Day 4 Bananas, milk and soup make up the menu. You can eat up to eight bananas and three glasses of milk on this day (although you may find that you don’t eat all the bananas). You may consume as much of the soup as you like. (Soup recipe below) The bananas are important because they will help to replace the potassium and sodium that the body would have lost in the previous three days. There should be fewer cravings for sweets by this point
Day 5 Today, you will eat beef and tomatoes: six whole tomatoes and two 10 oz. portions of beef. The beef can be eaten in the form of hamburger patties. All of the tomatoes should be eaten but not all the beef needs to be consumed. Increase your water intake by one quart today to help the body cleanse itself of the uric acid that will be produced by digesting the beef. The meat will provide your body with iron and protein and tomatoes provide fiber, which aids digestion.
Day 6 You will eat beef again today but will replace the tomatoes with a variety of vegetables of your own choosing. You may eat as much of each as you like. Note that by this day, the body is completely inclined towards weight loss and you should see a noticeable difference in the way you look and feel compared to when you started the diet.
Day 7 On the last day of the plan, you eat brown rice, fruit juice and unlimited vegetables. After following the meal plan for the last seven days, you should have completely cleansed and flushed out your system and should also find that you are 10 to 17 lbs. lighter than you were a week ago.
Mengapa saya pilih diet ini, sebenarnya simpel karena saya ingin melatih konsistensi. Buat saya program ini cukup singkat hanya 7 hari. Sebelumnya, jangan ditanya...banyak program yang saya ikuti dan ujung-ujungnya gagal gara-gara saya nya sendiri yang ga konsisten T.T

Selain itu saat ini berat badan saya adalah yang terberat seumur hidup yaitu 77 kg. Dari dulu saya memang gemuk sih. Dulu biasanya kisaran timbangan 65 kg dengan tinggi 163 hehe..ajeg gitu.

Naiknya bobot saya ini karena kebanyakan hanya duduk dan nongkrong depan internet. Kurang olahraga. Belum lagi sejak saya sudah berpenghasilan sendiri, saya mulai ga kontrol beli makan ini itu. Alhasil tambah melar ini badan saya. Well target saya lumayan berat buat program kali ini 68 kilo, yaitu maksimal pengurangan berat badan yang dijanjikan dari program. Realistisnya sih sekitar 73-72 ya..haha masih banyak aja sih :)))

Tapi saya tidak terlalu berharap banyak pada target. Saya sering baca bahwa diet-diet semacam ini kebanyakan hanya mengurangi masa air di tubuh. Yang penting sebenarnya adalah bagaimana merawat berat badan setelah program. Saya lebih ingin menikmati proses program ini dan belajar konsisten dengan program. Target saya sendiri adalah  I WANNA LOOK GOOD AND HEALTHY FOR ME, Itu aja sih. Sebelum seberat ini saya sebenarnya enjoy-enjoy aja. Tapi semakin kesini jadi gampang capek. Gampang sakit flu juga. Mana baju juga makin susah carinya.

Yah dari pada saya nambah ekstra uang buat beli baju mending uang buat maintain tubuh dong. hhehe..

Dan selanjutnya saya akan update cerita sampai tujuh hari kedepan..

Doakan saya ya ^_^

Sumber gambar : http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/the-gm-diet-is-it-for-you/


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